2A Bug List

                                                            20 Things That "Bug" Me

1. Close-minded people
Why? People are entitled, don't like change, uneducated, or lack empathy.

2. People that don't turn off their lights when they're not using it
Why? They're forgetful, don't realize it costs money and it's bad for the environment.

3. People that don't clean up after themselves
Why? They're forgetful, lazy, or entitled.

4. When a problem surfaces, a person accuses instead of asking the other person involved.
Why? They don't think about another persons side of the story and believe their own assumptions, and don't understand the their use of how to say something.

5. Wasting water
Why? Not aware about the effects of saving water and only use the amount that you need and it costs you more money.

6. Making fun of others in public or private by their characteristics
Why? Being entitled, immature, lack understanding, and don't consider that everyone is different. 

7. Cutting me off in streets without using a turning signal driving
Why? Could be lost, not being able to see me properly, or are just too lazy to use their signal despite increasing chances of a car accident.

8. Littering in outdoor places
Why? Being entitled, lazy, not educated, and thinking it will have no effect on the Earth.

9.  People that never pay you back when it comes to food, drinks, cover, and etc.
Why? They want to 'finesse' their way around and make excuses so that they don't have to spend a dollar, or they're forgetful.

10. Looking for an empty parking spot in a crowded parking garage only to find a motorcycle in the spot that looked empty
Why? It was a free spot at the time so he/she parked their motorcycle 

11. A fight is happening and instead of helping to stop it people take out their phones to start filming
Why? They don't care about someone getting extremely hurt and see it as entertainment

12. Someone absorbed by social media and never get off their phones
Why? They're insecure and don't know how to function in the real world

13. Opening the door for someone and they don't say thank you
Why? They're entitled, don't know the language, or awkward.

14. No scooter parking during finals week
Why? UF needs to build more scooter parking and people get on campus to study at the library for long hours

15. The outlet in my room is so far from my bed that I can't charge my phone while in bed
Why? Not owning an extending charger or the way my bed is positioned in my room

16. Being disturbed while trying to sleep because the walls in my apartment are so thin you can hear everything
Why? The way the walls were built

17. Spam calls and emails everyday
Why? Clicking on a spam link on accident

18. Last season of Game of Thrones
Why? The writers believed foreshadowing is character development and the whole season was so rushed.

19. Excessively long nails
Why? People are un-hygienic or think it's pretty

20. Having to strain my vegetable juice after blending it
Why? I don't own a juicer and the old fashion way takes so much time.

Reflection: To be honest, I didn't find this assignment to be challenging or difficult. I actually had 30 things on my list when I was writing them down! I didn't find it difficult because I've noticed from this assignment that I'm a person that gets "bugged" by things a lot and I keep them all to myself. Whether its from people to objects, there is always something that makes me tick a little. I realized I have more issues with the way some people think or are personally, than it personally effecting me. However, it was difficult to narrow down which bugs had to be in my top 20 because I just wrote everything down not in order. I had to think of the things that bug me on a scale from 1-5, depending on the rating, that's how I determined what gets on my list or not. It was a little bit challenging to answer the "Why the bug exists?" because it's so much easier to say why it bugs me.


  1. Hi, Jennifer Ronderos,

    I enjoyed your list. I can relate to a lot of the daily “bugs” in my life that you deal with too. I can especially relate to the spam calls and emails on a daily basis. To expand on the spam issue, I have noticed that even when I try to unsubscribe to their email list by clicking their unsubscribe button, it gives the spammer even more reason to keep emailing me spam. It’s like I just let them know I have an active email and they can keep emailing me. It’s very frustrating.


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