10A - Elevator Pitch No.1

Side note: I apologize for the background. I'm studying abroad and share a bedroom with a roommate so I had to film in the bathroom.


  1. Hello Jenny, I really like your idea! I think that if it was done correctly then Juice would be very successful. There are not enough healthy alternative places to eat close to campus. I see you had to record in the bathroom and did not want to be too loud but on our next video i would recommend speaking up a little bit. Other than that you did a great job! Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey Jenny, your idea is great. I've already responded to your other posts regarding this subject and I couldn't agree more. UF definitely needs some healthier food options near campus and I think your business plan for 'Juice' is great. I thought you brought up some great points during your video and the only slight complaint I'd have Is that your voice was a little too quiet. Besides that, great pitch!


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