9A Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: Are there certain people or certain businesses that, although they share a lot in common with the others in your opportunity, nevertheless fall outside the boundary? Why?
Yes, there are certain people that fall outside the boundary even if they share a lot in common with the others in my opportunity. All of my roommates in Madrid get along and have the same interests. When I interviewed them, they all agreed with healthy eating. However, only 3 of them made it a priority because they work out and study everyday back at UF. My other 6 roommates mentioned that they enjoy and picking health-conscious food, but they don't work out or are not as busy in school to have the need. They sort of just do whatever they want and feel at the moment.
What: At what point does the need you identified differ from another need? (Is thirst the same as hunger? Or is the desire to appear fashionable the same as the desire to be loved by others?)
The point of my need differing from another need is choosing what/where to eat. It all depends on the person. Three of my roommates consider health-conscious food as a priority, while the other six don't see it as a priority. They see filling up their stomachs enough to keep them going throughout the school day is good enough for them.
Why: Is the underlying cause of the outsiders' need different than people who are inside the boundary?
Yes, the underlying cause of the outsiders' need is different than people who are inside the boundary. Because they don't prioritize the food as much as the people inside the boundary. The outsiders' do whatever is convenient for them or what they're in the mood for. If they want pizza for lunch, then they'll get pizza for lunch. If they want health-conscious food for lunch, then they'll get health-conscious food for lunch. It is not a priority for outsiders' unlike the insiders'.

Inside the boundaryOutside the boundary
Who is In
-Health conscious students
-Fitness students
Who is Not
-Students that don't care as much about their health
-Students that obtain whatever is convenient for them
What the Need Is
-To access quick, affordable, convenient health restaurants
-Fuel the body with nutritional food

What the Need Is Not
-To just fill up an (despite the food) empty stomach with the schedule they have
Why the Need Exists
To eat healthy, quick food on a college budget and schedule
Alternative Explanations
-If they had the option they would consider the need


  1. Hey Jenny, overall, a nice clear post. I liked the boundary list you made as it's very realistic. Within the boundary are obviously students who are health conscious and some are athletes. However, a lot of college kids couldn't care less about what they eat as so many factors come into play. Ones schedule, finances, and convenience all come into play when selecting what someone wants to eat.


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