30A Final Reflection
After summarizing all my blog posts for the summer for this ENT 3003 class, my knowledge on entrepreneuship really grew and has gotten better. In the beginning I started with not really knowing what the purpose of each thing was getting me to, but I found it. My high was definently my bug list, because I had so much fun writing that up! So was my reading reflections and create a customer avatar. Those were the most fun for me. I think my low point was my blog post on growing my social capital. Because I remember staring at the screen for a while to do this assignment. I also think cupcakes were difficult at first because I wouldn't finish watching the lectures, but then I realized I need to so my cupcake grades started going up. My moments of dread were to write 160 words for 3 posts in one day when I was so tired or busy. Since I've been abroad my schedule here is completely different because of the time difference. What sticks out to by my most formative experience is figuri...