20A Growing Your Social Capital

1. Domain Expert of my Industry

1) Clive Schlee is the CEO of "Pret a Manager." Clive joined Pret as CEO in 2003. He has over 25 years’ experience in the retail food business with Pret, Itsu and Jardine Matheson, the Hong Kong-based multi-national.
2) The slot I would give this person is domain expert.
3) I typed in Google "top healthy resturants in the united states" and I found an article from "Eat this, Not that!" and it showed me "34 Hottest Healthy Restaurants." Each restaurant was put into seperate categories like "fast service" "Italian" and etc. I haven't contacted this person because he's a multi-billionare that probably won't answer me for a month.
4) They have not done any favor for me other than providing their business information online for me to find them to do this assignment. I expect nothing.
5) Since Schlee is a CEO of one of Englands most famous healthy fast food restaurants, this would open many doors for my business since I too want to open a healthy quick convienet restaurants. I could meet lots of like minded people that would like to grow my business. 

2. Expert in my Market

1) Jeff Drake is the CEO of "Protein Bar & Kitchen." Jeff has over 20 years of experience in the restaurant and hospitality industry. Progressive span of control over all department heads in restaurant company (operations, marketing, human resources, culinary, real estate development, and finance.
2) I will put Jeff in the slot of Market Expert because he has his restaurant specifically made for busy health-conscious customers, which means he knows about how to target that group.
3) Same thing as my previous #3 for the Market Expert. 
4) Same thing as my previous #4 for the Market Expert. Although, I found his LinkedIn!
5) Jeff knows how to target a specific group of customers that will be the same group for my business.

3. Important supplier to my Industry

1) Nathaniel Ru, Nicolas Jammet, and Jonathan Neman. They're all co-founders and CEO of Sweetgreen. They started their business in a Georgetown dorm. They're still working for their business till this day.
2) Supplier, because they make sure to get their supplies from local farmers and it's organic.
3) Same thing as my previous #3 for the Market Expert. 
4) Same thing as my previous #4 for the Market Expert. Although, I found his LinkedIn!
5) They would help get my supplies from Gainesville local farmers.

This experience will help shape how I participate in any future networking events because this was about networking with people outside of my comfort zone. This experience did differ from my networking experiences in the past because my past didn't consist of billonare CEO's that live in all different parts of the world.


  1. Hi Jenny,
    You did a great job of fulfilling all the requirements of the assignment. You really went outside the bounds of people you knew and would be comfortable talking to, which shows some business tenacity. Networking with groups and individuals of this industry level would be a great opportunity, should you elect to pursue the venture you have selected or have a passion for it.

  2. Hey Jenny,
    Great job on this post, you provided lots of information and details about your network of suppliers and experts within your industry. I like how honest you were especially with your paragraph about Clive Schlee, and how he wont answer you for a month, it honestly made me laugh because I can relate. I didn't even bother contacting my domain expert because of that same reason!


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